HI Everyone, here is June's class.We will be making 2 each of the 3 cards shown below, these are 3 of the sets I believe will be retiring in June, Look out for the Retirement list at the end of the week, Products retiring will be while stocks last...
DATES: Thurs
13th June 7.30pm to 9.30pm
15th June 2 to 4pm
COST: $15(
$5 Payable when you book in, rest at class, this deposit secures your spot is also non refundable in the case of late cancellation or just not turning up.
WHERE: Yallambie ( address given when you book in)
RSVP: No later than the 10th June either by email higgs140@inbox.com or mobile 0429 177 648
I like to keep classes at 5, if a class fills up I am happy to run a SAT am class as well.
Beginners Welcome
I look forward to seeing you soon